Technology And Technology

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Can we live without the new technology? Nowadays, the use of technology has spread in a lot of fields of life. Many tools of technology are applied in one day, such as watching TV, the phone different means of transportation, communication, the use of a computer, and even means of entertainment. Technology, on the other hand, has some bad effects on people. For example, use of technology led to obesity. Many people now depend on technology so they do not move. This comfort has led to increasing the rates of obesity in the world. It is argued that "Childhood obesity is on the rise, and technology may be to blame. Pediatricians also say that severe obesity is increasing among young people" (DeLoatch, 2014). Also, the use of technology has led…show more content…
Technology dominated the world of entertainment. The technology-based entertainment devices and means are being used in schools, homes, clubs and everywhere suitable for having pleasure. Furthermore, technology offers you the entertainment and pleasure at any time through the usage of many of the new devices like smartphones, IPads, laptops and in cars on roads as most of the vehicles nowadays are provided with all reliable and advanced devices and technologies. The advanced technologies also make the internet connection fast and efficient as this makes having entertainment and pleasure easier and enjoyable. The online gaming will be more accessible while the internet is connected efficiently and this can be achieved only through the advanced technology. The use of technologies for entertainment has many negative and positive impacts. The positive impacts of technologies in entertainment are actually represented in the easy access to any online games website and using the educational games by the children in which it helps in developing the thinking way of the child with entertainment and pleasure (Rauterberg, 2004). Furthermore, the entertainment websites are in the first rank between the other websites used and accessed by the youth. Nowadays, no one can live without the cell phone and the internet. These technologies became dominating our lives. In this regard, technology plays a vital role in making…show more content…
There has been a rapid development in the transportation systems recently by producing of the new technologies. Such new technologies are represented in the intelligent transportation systems including the smart cards, the navigation and information tools, and systems available in the vehicles, trains, and airplanes. Also, the new technologies have a great role even in the process of operating the engines and motors of these vehicles like the use of electric, hydrogen, or hybrid electric-petroleum. This is in fact considered a revolution in the world of technology. Also, the impacts of these technologies is greatly explicit in all facilities and services related to the transportation sector. For example, the smart card technologies could improve the feasibility and convenience of a variety for road use, parking, and transitions. The information and navigation techniques become also very important and Indispensable. The benefits and advantages of such techniques are enormous. One of these advantages is that through the use of navigation and information system, the travelers can control and monitor their ways and roads and they can know also which roads are more congested and so they can avoid. Such advantage is, in fact, benefits both the society and the individuals. By avoiding the congested roads, the travelers

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