Criminal Justice Inventions

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Effects of Innovation & Inventions in Criminal Law Introduction The last past decade was the most innovative decade till now. New technological inventions have been developed to stop crime and for the better performance of the police but we know little about how and why certain inventions are adopted and the consequences are both intended and unintended of technology which drives solutions from the problem of crime. This article gives an examination of a wide range of new technological inventions that have applications in the areas of crime prevention generally and especially in crime control by police. The technological evolution directly affects the criminal justice operations at fundamental levels. A wide range of technologies are used in…show more content…
For example, improvement in communications and transportation technologies had increased the response ability of police. New innovations in computers and cellular have increased the ability of data processing, information transferring and communications within and across the agencies. The increasing societal dependence on Internet have led law enforcement agencies to develop tools to investigate crimes online. Thus, invention plays a vital role in the legal system, thus most of researcher’s emphasis on the implementation and effect of innovation in law enforcement agencies. “With the proliferation of telephones in the early twentieth century, policing changed. Citizens called – and in fact were encouraged to call – the police to deal with a multitude of problems, and the police responded to those calls from dispatch via a two-way radio, and sped quickly to locations via patrol cars. These technological advances, along with changes in police administrative procedures, helped to create the police as we know them today” Hard & Soft…show more content…
Three critical problems come immediately to mind. First, the most common issue related to the new technological invention is whether we will replace people by various forms technology like CCTV cameras that can detect speeders. For example, why to appoint police officers for patrolling the streets when we have the technological resources to remotely monitor activities and deploy a smaller number of police to address crime problems that are detected. In large part, criminal justice agencies at present do not have the require technology-based skill sets, we are forced to depend on the private sector today more than at any point in our history, particularly in the area of information technology. It is certainly possible that where private sector’s helping as short-term supporting role e.g. in the areas of IT, electronic monitoring, CCTV, private security spread out to the point where private sector crime control at the end replaces public area crime control in other crucial areas (crime avoidance, offender regulation). If this occurs, our interest would be that the ethical performance of the criminal legal system will suffer, because a worry for the economic lower line by the private area will have disprove consequences in a number of important

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