Consumer Buying Behavior Analysis

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Similarities and differences of consumer buying behavior and organizational buying behavior Fewer organizational buyers According to Jagannath and Pravin Dsouza, an industrial will have fewer buyers than one grocery store in consumer market place. Often 80 % of output will be selling to perhaps 10–15 organizations, meaning that the importance of one customer to the business to business marketer is far in excess of that to the consumer marketing company. Supermarkets are so great that, although the products have an ultimate market of many millions of people, the companies’ immediate customers rank alongside those of important organizational buyers. Close, long-term relationships between organizational buyers and sellers Because of the grandness…show more content…
Social influences. Personal influences A second group of factors that influences the consumer decision-making process concerns the psychology of the individuals concerned. Relevant concepts include personality, motivation, perception and learning. Lifestyle Lifestyle patterns have attracted much attention from marketing research practitioners. Lifestyle refers to the patterns of living as expressed in a person’s activities, interests and opinions. Lifestyle analysis, or psychographics, groups the consumers according to their beliefs, activities, values and demographic characteristics such as education and income. Social influences Major social influences on consumer decision-making include social class, reference groups, culture and the family. The first of these factors, social class, has been regarded as an important determinant of consumer behavior for many years. Social class in marketing is based upon the occupation of the head of the household or main income earner. Organizational buying…show more content…
Process It is the ‘how’ factor that is the pattern of information getting, analysis, evaluation and decision-making which takes place as the purchasing organization moves towards a decision. Content It is the ‘what’ factor that is the choice criteria used at different stages of the process and by different members of the decision-making unit. Process of Organizational buying behavior Needs and problems may be recognized through either internal or external factors. An example of an internal factor would be the realization of under capacity leading to the decision to purchase plant or equipment. Thus, internal recognition leads to active behavior. Some problems which are recognized internally may not be acted upon. This condition may be termed as internal and passive. A production manager may realize that there is a problem with a machine but, given more pressing problems, decides to live with it. Other potential problems may not be recognized internally and only become problems because of external cues. A production manager may be quite satisfied with the production process until being made aware of another more efficient

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