A college degree is a very valuable asset to have when entering the workforce. A college degree is worth incurring significant debt. Aside from having a variety of careers to choose from, there is a sense of pride I will feel within myself. I will be proud to achieve such an accomplishment. Although college is expensive, upon completion I will have a variety of jobs to choose from, work at a job I love, and I will be able to show my children the importance of getting your college degree. As a child
a story The Absolute Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. The book is about Arnold going to a new school called Rearden and the troubles he went through, trying to stay with the tribe when he is back-stabbing them by going to a “white school”. We also watched a movie called Finding Forrester directed by Gus Van Sant. It is about Jamal who takes a test, gets an out-standing score and starts going to a private school. Soon after he meets William Forrester, who starts helping him with his writings
go to college” were very detailed and thorough with explaining their argument .They were citing various studies and research done on their explanations. One of their points that stuck out to me were the rate of return on education .the authors broke it down to how they came up with the return of investment and studies for that association. The other idea they focused on was the variation in the return of education. They explained how not everyone will get equal return or benefits from college. The
know the importance of college? As little kids we were asked if we’re going to college and most of us immediately said yes at the the time. However, over the years the idea of attending college is not a certainty for some. Should college be in our future? People have different beliefs whether college is or isn’t worth it but college is very much worth your time and money. Earning a degree is a huge advantage in life. The first reason why college is worth it is because those with a college degree
Humanity studies are no doubt an important part of the American university: where would we be without teachers, molding young minds, writers creating great novels, or the great variety of ideas and topics that humanities create? Most college students are still flocking towards the STEM majors and treating humanities as its ugly cousin. Possibly because of the positive connotation that comes with a STEM major, being as opposed as those in humanities. Annette Gordon-Reed’s TIME published “Critics of
According to Stewart Todd, an expert in college graduation rates around the United States. Most of 59% of Americans over the age of 25 did not have a college degree. The education rate of Americans was decreasing for the last century or more. Although college is challenging. I am going to be successful listening to advice from experts, by developing strategies, by taking advantages of the benefits offered by my college. I realize that college will be challenging for me. I have struggle
it is more important than almost everything they taught us in college,” and split ends that Mitch precisely was stating that while college or other educational institutions teach essential skills, it rarely teach pupils the vigorous importance of pursuing to realize the most intense meanings of our life. He said this
College education, is it necessary or not? Now a days education is overrated and looked at as a must by society. Whether a doctorate or no degree at all is acquired, salary and life experiences depend on personal desire. There is a famous saying "work smarter, not harder." Greatness does not come from doing the same as everyone else but, creating a path of distinction and importance. Education has been valued in our world more than anything else, but the value of a person's abilities should be measured
especially when it comes to success. I need to work hard to achieve my goals in life. Getting a good education will help me go far in my career. In Wooden’s book, I learned the importance of being patience, working hard, and getting a good education which will help me be successful in college. The first element to success in college is patience. In Wooden: A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court, John Wooden said: “Learn from the past, don’t live in the past” (57). You need learn
Motivation My primary motivation for returning to school is my children. I owe it to them as their father to provide the best life for them that I can. Another motivator for me is my wife, who is also starting college. We motivate each other to do the best that we can do to provide a better life for our children. Purpose My purpose for working towards a degree is simple, a better future for my family and I. This is a necessary step in order to break the cycle in which my wife and I were brought