Mitch Albom's Tuesdays With Morrie

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Introduction Throughout the worldwide famous book “Tuesdays with Morrie”, known as ‘Memoir’ [1] the American writer Mitch Albom presented the truth of life, the benevolent characteristics of people which everybody should have but they don’t have. “Tuesdays with Morrie” is actually a novel based upon an original story that explained the outlook of a dying older man about reality of life. The author examines the statement, “I know it is more important than almost everything they taught us in college,” and split ends that Mitch precisely was stating that while college or other educational institutions teach essential skills, it rarely teach pupils the vigorous importance of pursuing to realize the most intense meanings of our life. He said this…show more content…
He was totally surprised at generosity and way of greetings of Morrie Schwartz, professor of his undergraduate college. From the speeches of Morrie on the Ninth Tuesday he realized, most people think that education is only limited to schools or colleges, but in fact, there are lessons that we will be able to have the knowledge about only in life. Life lessons are more important than those lessons, which we learn from schools and colleges. For example, schools will not teach us how to be happy because it is person’s responsibility to find the way of happiness in his or her life. Moreover, not being a selfish is one of many important lessons that life will teach us, there is no word more tedious and monotonous of the word “I”, each person must have self-confidence, but that does not mean your self-confidence is to talk about yourself and your achievements all the time, it will increase your…show more content…
The whole specific speeches of Morrie regarding how love goes on [2]. Mitch felt the feelings of Morrie that it is important to really be involved and dedicated at the presence of any other and also in the course of conversation. Morrie said that at the time of being with someone, one must be fully present solely with that individual and nobody else [3]. He felt that lots of people haven’t found the real meaning of their lives. This is why they hurry and run around again and again in pursue of it. They search more materialistic stuffs which simply provide them by way of no meaning or less meaning [4]. Morrie emphasized the significance on skipping simple talk and actually listening to anyone, without any expectation to get anything as feedback. Mitch inferred that Morrie had given much of his own time and devotion toward others. The main reason behind the visitors in such an extra amount was his time period and attention. Even with his pain and distresses, he continuously listened to others [5]. Albom went into more detail regarding Morrie’s father here. Morrie promised to himself that when he upraised his own offspring he would put emphasis on everything that he had as a child wanted for, i.e. hugging, kissing, gossiping and full of joy and

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