The Importance Of Food Production

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Food production has been evolving steadily with the technological and economic advancements made by mankind – since the hunter-gatherer epoch until the modern fully-industrialized agricultural system. The purpose of this process was to efficiently supply humanity with nutrients required for its survival, and to reduce the time and labor consumed in the agricultural economic sector. In fact, this objective could be regarded as achieved, as the amount of food currently produced should be entirely sufficient to quench the demand, even leaving a sizable food surplus. Then again, the abundance of food is partially caused by the decline in its quality, leaving only the richest being able to afford “quality over quantity”. For this reason, not every…show more content…
The latter statement is legitimate if we consider entrepreneurship as favoring cheap labor of disadvantaged workers, which is highly profitable and causes a decrease in universal price level of food, but can be viewed as socially regressive. The obliviousness to the entirety of the path that food takes from a seed until it becomes a meal is not uncommon in the era of highly processed foods. This attitude is pointed to by Michael Pollan in his book “The Omnivores Dilemma” in the example, where he contrasts vegetable and meat sections in supermarkets with sections that offer highly processed products. The difficulty of tracing the food’s origin and composition is gradually increasing with the number of steps required in its preparation. At first, we can easily distinguish the animals and crops connected with certain meats, vegetables and fruits, but when delving further into the processed food’s sections its “provenance is so complex or obscure that it requires expert help to ascertain”(15-17). The chain of production is also a focal point of the reflexive tastes concept developed by Julie Guthman. According to her, “the reflexive consumer pays attention to how food is made, and that knowledge shapes his or her taste towards healthier food”.(497) However, the lack of reflexiveness in consumers is often caused not by unwillingness to educate themselves, but rather by the unavailability of organic food due to their material status, or by the so called American “food deserts” i.e. the “area[s] where little fresh produce is available for sale”(Merriam-webster). Local food production can enable a bigger part of the population to make their food choices consciously, as the availability of fresh produce would becomes greater, and its prices significantly lower,

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