Transport Infrastructure Development In South Korea

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Railway system in South Korea has being expanded continuously and the 6 main cities of South Korea including Seoul, Busan, Incheon , Daegu, Gwangju and Daejeon have developed their rail network in 1974, 1985, 1999, 2003, 2004 and 2006 separately. Moreover, Korean High-Speed Rail, also called as KTX (Korean Train Express), bagan the service in 2004. The route of KTX included both the Gyeongbu (Seoul to Busan) and the Honam (Seoul to Mokpo/Yeosu) lines that these two lines are the main transportation line in South Korea. The first stage of the service travel between Seoul and Daegu, which has already run in 2004 and the second stage has been completed in 2010 with the route of Daegu to Busan, therefore, the whole route of Gyeongbu line from…show more content…
The role of transport infrastructure development played a role in helping the country’s economy growth since South Korea was very poor after the Korean War that the economy was in a very difficult situation and most of the infrastructure was destroyed. In order to rebuild the economy, transport infrastructure development is very important to South Korea. Seoul as the economic capital in South Korea, the infrastructure development would mainly connect by Seoul. Transport infrastructure development increased the availability of the vehicles and the mobility of the population. Transport infrastructure development such as roads, highways, bus, railways, etc. Increasing availability of the vehicles and the mobility of the population that it has become easier to access to different district and the access time has been reduced either, therefore, the transport of goods has become easier and more convenient and make the cost reduced, hence, the productivity would increase and it would make contribution to the economic growth. Besides, transport infrastructure development helps developing tourism industry that improvement of transportation increased the mobility. Through the improvement of transportation, mobility of tourists and local for domestic travel would increase and tourist can access the whole country easier and more convenient. It would lead to the increase of purchase of tourism product and contribute to the economy. Last but not least, investment in infrastructure have significant positive effect on GDP and the infrastructure development is directly influencing the economy of South Korea. Therefore, transport infrastructure development helped South Korea to rebuild its economy in the past and it contribute to the economic growth in the present and it would still be important to South Korea’s economy in the

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