Effects Of Climate Change In India

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The climate change is now not only an environmental issue but, it has become one of the major developmental challenges for the world. It is influencing every sector of the world’s economy. Human Development of any country also cannot be exclusively left aside from affecting by the climate change. Human Development is the central goal of all governments. In India, since independence by taking several initiatives and schemes this goal has been pursued with modest achievements. According to World Human Development Report (UNDP) 2014, India’s HDI value (0.586) and stands at 135th rank in the 187 countries of the world. The effects of climate change and related disasters can adversely impacts more than 65% of India’s population directly depends…show more content…
An increase in intensity and frequency of extreme climate events such as severe droughts and flooding experienced in recent years in India. Productive sectors such as agriculture, industry and tourism are suffering by the uncertain climate patterns, which negatively affecting the well-being of the population and can be great threaten for Human Development. Hence there is more need of policy measures to combat effects of climate change. Keywords: Climate Change, Human Development, Economic Growth ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Introduction: Climate change is any significant long-term change in the expected patterns of average weather of region (or the whole Earth) over a significant period of time. According to UNDP Human Development Report 2008, climate change is the most important issue of 21st century. Already World temperatures have increased by around 0.7°C since the advent of the industrial era, and the rate of increase is quickening. Therefore average global temperatures could increase by more than 5°C in the 21st century. Globally the problem of climate change has been recognized as one of the significant challenges of the human…show more content…
The above table shows the trends and decadal growth rate in foodgrain production. With this data we can observe that growth in foodgrain production is declining rapidly. The growth rate in total foodgrains production was 36.11% in 1990, it declined up to 24.23% in 2010 and further it come down at 8.26% in 2014. This type trend in production of foodgrain will increase anxiety about well-being of increasing population of the country. Impact on Food Security: The right to food is a basic human right. The right to food is to ensure that all people have the capacity to feed themselves in dignity. In other words, ‘the right to adequate food is realized when every man, woman and child, alone and in community with others, has physical and economic access at all times to adequate food or means for its procurement.’ This definition emphasises mainly on two components of food security, first physical availability and second economic accessibility of food. In India per capita net availability of foodgrains per day decreased from 510.1 grams in 1991 to 453.6 grams in 2011. According to World Bank estimates 32.7 Indian people living below the international poverty line of US$1.25 per day (PPP). Hence 1of 3 Indian peoples have lack of purchasing power. Thus the situation of food security in India presents dismal picture in the context of physical availability as well as economic access to food. Poor people have not sufficient purchasing

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