Theoretical Framework Of Food Security

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CHAPTER TWO THEORETICAL/CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter presents the theoretical underpinning for the study and also presents a review of literature on farming households’ food utilization, nutrition and health. The subsequent subsections describes the theoretical framework for food nutrition security (FNS), health and income theory, UNICEF’s conceptual framework of under nutrition and ill health, conceptual framework for the impact of illness/disease on agriculture and review of empirical literature on agricultural households’ food utilization, nutrition and health. 2.1 Concepts of Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) In light of combining the two concepts; food security and nutrition, the term “food security and nutrition”…show more content…
As FNS evolves across the entire lifetime of individuals, static and dynamic models of food and nutrition status are discussed here.Unlike in the case of health capital, FNS production models are still limited. The broad and multidimensional concept of FNS might be one of the background reasons for the lack of a suitable theoretical model framework of FNS. However, as the FNS concept is closely associated and linked with health, FNS models presented are derived from the existing framework of health production functions (Strauss, 1986; Strauss and Thomas, 1995; Strauss and Thomas, 1998; Strauss and Thomas, 2007). The variables involved in the FNS models are mostly based on the UNICEF framework as illustrated in Figure…show more content…
It should be observed that the FNS production function in equation (2.1) only accounts for the demand side of the food nutrition security issue, thus assuming food supply as given partial equilibrium analysis. This corroborates with the conceptual framework laid out by (Hoddinot et al., 2012), in which food nutrition security outcomes ,that is hunger and under nutrition were product of individuals’ intentional action under their specific preferences and constraints. They were determined by a set of FNS inputs and behaviors, “N” which includes food intake, use of health care facilities and also behaviors that influence FNS such as hygienic behavior, smoking and other physical activity (Pangaribowo et al.,

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