The Importance Of Conceptualization In Education

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Conceptualisation This section presents both the practical and theoretical aspects to this workplace challenge. The practical issues are based on both private and institution wide communications. The relevance and weight of the problems are illustrated against relative research theories. Following the practical issues, additional educational research into organisational management and leadership theory is presented that will be used to form the responsible response offered in the following, final section of this paper. Practical Issues If we are to transform our economies and communities into creative, competitive and inclusive knowledge societies, we must not neglect developing a curriculum or a pedagogy that will prepare students with the…show more content…
It should be combined with other evidence to inquire into their practice and its effects on students and make needed improvements together. It is effective in addressing any shortcomings that they find. In the best or most advanced PLCs, a wide range of quantitative and qualitative data are used as a regular and effortless part of collective practice to inquire continuously into practice in the classroom, department or entire school so as to keep improving in order to raise standards of achievement (Datnow, Park, & Wohlstetter, 2007, as cited in Hargreaves, 2009 ). However, the teachers do not collect this type of data. Also, data that is collected does not always give a true reflection of the situation (Hargreaves & Shirley, 2009 ). The data is being abused. It is being used to control, who is contributing to the change, not to influence what should be changed. It is only an artificial improvement to keep the accountants at bay (Datnow et al., 2007 ). This data driven intervention strategy only nips performance problems in the bud. Unfortunately it also diverts teachers’ attention and energy on to short-term tasks that influence metrics that do not benefit the students, teachers or education in the long…show more content…
History has shown that countries that have achieved substantial economic growth are those in which education and training have been accompanied by advances in knowledge (Griffin, Care, & McGaw, 2012). Drucker (1994 ) announced a now widely accepted fact, that knowledge would in-fact become the key resource, and this knowledge can only be acquired through education. Now, more than twenty years later, the information-based role of education in developing twenty-first century knowledge skills in an information or knowledge economy has become indisputable as Drucker predicted (Griffin et al., 2012 ). The knowledge worker has become part of the competitive advantage in many organisations, and not a cost that should be minimised or controlled Renand (2000

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