Characteristics Of Architecture: Comparing Iconic Architecture

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Comparing Iconic Buildings Architecture has always been the center point of defining a culture throughout time. Greece and Rome are known for the intricate designs of their architecture that seemed impossible for people of the time to build, such as the Greek Parthenon and the Roman Pantheon. Fast forward in time to the late fifteen hundreds in northern Italy, Villa Almerico Capra was built another quintessential example of Italian design. Lastly in Portland, Oregon the Portland Municipal Service Building was erected in 1927, it is now considered a historic place because of the architecture and the uniqueness of the building. All of these buildings have different appearance, were built with different functionalities in mind, were influenced…show more content…
The Greek Parthenon is one of the most exquisite examples of architecture during the Greek times. Its design has some very unique features. The design is that of the style called peripteral octostyle, meaning it was designed to have a big porch with three big steps that leads to the building. This porch also contains many columns that help structurally and with the design style. It measures eight columns on the sides that are double rowed by seventeen columns on the front and back. The iconic elements of the building consist of slight diminution of the columns as they expand from the center, but the way it meets up with the platforms at the bottom and top make it seem like it expands. All of these illusions made to occur with the columns allow for a reverse optical illusion such as making the slightly tilted columns seem straight and the straight ceiling seems to curve (Hadingham). The function of the Greek Parthenon is often debated. It is universally agreed that it was a homage to the Greek gods. Debates arise whether it was built for one god or many gods. It has been argued that it was a shrine to Athena because a gold statue was found within the temple with many other fortunes. It is said that rituals were held yearly in Athena’s honor in the temple…show more content…
Unlike the Greek Parthenon the Roman Pantheon is dedicated to all the gods. Like the saying says; what’s in a name? Well the word pantheon can be broken down into different sections: Pan means all and Theon meaning gods. Many think it is representative of the many sculptures of the gods housed within the pantheon or the likeness of the dome to the heavens. The Romans were also of polytheistic beliefs and followed in Greek fashion by constructing buildings in homage to the Roman Gods whom they also believed to rule their everyday life (Mark). The Romans were influenced greatly by the Greeks. They followed their form of religion, politics, and art. Architecture is one of the many ways that the Greeks influenced romans. The one exception to this is would be that the Romans improved on the Greeks different systems such as politics, religion, art and even architecture. Such as in the case of the pantheon that they build an homage to the gods, but used an arching method that was beyond the Greeks. In true Greek style the building also represented the society of the Romans by displaying the greats in their life; the roman gods

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