The Pros And Cons Of Education

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Every day, students walk through the classrooms of public schools in the Philippines. These classrooms would always look the same. Students, 60 – 70 in number sitting in rows of chairs taking notes on their notebooks while the teacher stands at a chalkboard discussing the lesson. Regardless of the ability level, each student receives the exact the same information at exactly the same pace. As the instructional teacher gives the same material, students would respond differently. Some students would get it, some would feel bored and others would feel lost. At the end of the day, the same students head home. At home, the students would do their assignment related to the topic they have had in school. Those who understood the topic would make it most of the way in doing their…show more content…
Furthermore, Matulac (2013) stated that closing our awareness regarding the changes brought by the technology would mean death especially to educators.” Technology turns teacher-centered learning process to student-centered one. It increasingly moves the boundaries of educational resources and transforms the concepts of education from traditional to a modern 21st century ideas which are needed by the society for its improvement. Aaron Sams and Jonathan Bergmann happened to propose the flipped classroom upon seeing these situation of the learning process. In the flipped classroom, students would complete learning by watching videos, presentations, or accessing resource related to the topic they will have in class. Time in the classroom is devoted more of the practical activities and interactive or personalized learning which leads to a deeper understanding of the concepts which they have watched before. Students use their class time in order to apply the theories and concepts which they have imbibed from the videos and presentations or the movies they have
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