The Importance Of Children's Language Play

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Children’s language play is very important for developing their grammar as well their creative linguistic and communicative competence.The active engagement with resources made available to the child in her or his society re-use leads to opportunities for transformations. The child as an individual, or indeed collaborator, brings imagination to weave a new text. The focuses on examining different approaches to children’s creativity with language, and aims to provide a sense of the challenges which children embrace in order to become shapers of language and concerned with children before puberty and focuses on oral rather than other channels of communication( ). Children’s creative play with language is “practice” in a dual sense and a rehearsal…show more content…
Vygotsky’s emphasis on the social and cultural shaping of language practices to suggest that narratives about human eventseven as constructed by young childrenare an important feature of the construction of stability at individual and social levels. Through telling stories that imply evaluations of diverse behaviorswe come to sufficiently share a cultural and moral scope that facilitates the interpretation of narratives whether literary or every day. Some of children’s word play may be linked to creative processes in adult talk. The connections which can be made between literary language and everyday talk may be extended to young children’s sound play even from the time of their earliest utterances. Children's capacity for pretence, of various sorts, has been of interest to researchers across a range of disciplines. Much of the interest is developmental. Pretend play has been seen by psychologists as providing insights into children's cognitive development their ability to imagine mental states they do not have, or understand other…show more content…
Four years old, in contrast, will hold their hands as if they were holding a tooth brush and move it accordingly. Children pretend to hold a tooth brush without any physical tooth brush. The concept ‘Intertextulity’ was coined by Julia Kristeva (1986) drawing on the work of the literary theorist.The different text and sources it is the way in which all utterances form part of a chain of speech communication. All utterances or texts are inherently intertextual, made up of words and meanings from other texts. An obvious example is directed quotation from others, but intertextuality may also operate at a more abstract level. Bakhtin’srefers to the ways in which all utterances form part of a “chain of speech communication’’. This concept implies that all utterances or texts are inherently intertextul, i.e. made up of words and meanings from other texts. An obvious example is direct quotation from others. Intertextulity also operates at a more abstract level, e.g. in the incorporation of particular genre conventions or ways of speaking about certain events. It is a property of literary as well as everyday texts and may be exploited, for instance, in

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