Foreign Language Teaching

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The attention of students in language classrooms is caught through various methods and techniques. Since the environment in which learning EFL takes place, teachers are in charge of creating a motivational atmosphere that increases students' desire of learning. Foreign language teaching has been changing throughout time. Methods and techniques used in class have been adapted and changed because of different factors. Learning a foreign language is not an easy task, therefore students need motivation and encouragement that they can receive from their teachers and peers in the class. Society has also changed. That means, students' needs and interests are different nowadays. According to Binnur, technology might be one of the factors which affect…show more content…
(Downey, et al) The use of technology has lot of advantages that can be taken to the classrooms. Technology may allow students to experience a wide variety of societies and situations. Students can experience the world that is outside their classrooms without traveling and find information that may help to increase their learning desire. In order to prepare students to be active members of our society is required to incorporate the use of technology in the educational field. Technology is part of students’ everyday lives. Therefore, Adobe suggests that educators take technology as a tool that helps them achieve higher goals. ‘While the importance of reading, writing, and arithmetic still hold true, educators need to look at these and other subjects in new ways, using readily accessible technologies to engage and inspire students to take a more active role in learning’. As technology, software and hardware, evolve the tools available to educators…show more content…
That means, people, especially children and teenagers process information in different ways than thirty years ago. Being exposed to a wide number of sources may lead them to accurate and non-accurate information. Easy information access can be controversial for students, so adults, especially educators are concerned about it and how children are learning, said Palfrey and Gassed. Mark Prensky has established that nowadays students live differently than their parents and educators, therefore, they are expected to learn differently. In addition, John Palfrey and Gasses Urs (2008) have also established that “Digital Natives” learn differently from the way their parents did. The difference between learning styles does not mean that nowadays children are not learning. Adults seem to underestimate children’s abilities to search about a topic of their interests and the wide number of information they have access to. Since technology has started to play a very important role in our society, many educational systems have decided to incorporate opportunities for teachers to use technology as a learning tool. Yet, some teachers are still skeptical about technology’s help in the educational
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