Mother Teresa Case Study

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Mother Teresa dedicated most of her life to helping the poor and disadvantaged. When I began this project I didn’t know exactly what I would find out about Mother Teresa. I had no idea about the amount of money and time she has spent to helping the poor. I expected to just see that she has help alot with charity. However, as I began to read and learn more about her I learned that even at the age of 8 Mother Teresa had been instilled with a compassion to contribute to charity. I soon learned even though her family was rich in a poor area that didn’t keep her from wanting to help out the poor. At the age of 12 Mother Teresa had a feeling that she was to help the poor and she did.By the time she had turned 18 she left her home…show more content…
In 1929 once Mother Teresa had joined “The Loretto Sisters” and from there she then moved to India to become part of the mission that they had there. While in India Mother Teresa became a teach in a high school for girls and world soon become the school’s principal. As she worked there many of the kids there were relatively rich compared to the population of poor people that were living there at the time. Over time she then left the school for girls and was provided permission to leave the The Loretto Sisters. As she left The Sisters of Loretto she had what Mother Teresa described as a “Call within a call” and began started her own charity group name The Missionaries of Charity. By 1971 after few years from the date that The Missionaries of Charity had started she and the other missionaries would be able to travel to New York. Once there she would be able to open the first House of Charity in America. That same year Mother Teresa had received the Pope John XXII peace prize for all of the hard work she had done with the homeless which was bestowed upon her by Paul VI. However, Mother Teresa didn’t stop there, Mother Teresa had opened the Gift of Love which would provide money and care for people who were diagnosed with…show more content…
She also helped with major politics in the world. In 1971 while in India Mother Teresa had be awarded with the Jewel of India which is the highest Indian civilian award a person can get. While also having the Soviet Union Gold Medal presented by the Soviet Union's Peace Committee bestowed upon her for all of the endless charity work she has done. However, in 1979 she was given the Nobel Prize of Lecture for the all of the hard work she did to dispan poverty and ensuring peace. While giving her acceptance speech she expressed her opinion on abortion saying “that the greatest destroyer today is abortion”. However, by 1985 Mother Teresa had received the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Which is a very prestigious award and it also the highest U.S. civilian award a person can get. By the time it was 1995 she had created a no vote campaign that was trying to oppose the Irish referendum from its ban of divorce and remarriage in their country. Even after her no vote campaign she had Mother Teresa still continued to stick with her no abortion opinion and continued to express it in many

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