Pandapotan Sitorus, 3 Lilik Budi Prasetyo, 4Cecep Kusmana 1 Study Program of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Bogor 16680 Indonesia; 2Department of Soil Science and Land Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Bogor 16680, Indonesia; 3Departmentt of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism, Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Bogor 16680; 4 Department of Silviculture
Wildlife crime, investigation and intelligence collection for the Forest and Police Officials. Total 46 Forest and Police Officials participated in the programme. • Modernization of zoo Hospital:- For the modernization of Zoo Hospital proposal approved by the Government of Tripura for an amount of Rs.10.00 lakh and hospital equipped with more modern equipments. • Status of Management Plan of PA’s:- Name of PA Status of Management Plan Plan Period Budgetery Outlay (Rs. In lakhs) Remarks Sepahijala
Contents Understanding Assessment. 1 Overview of Unit of Work 3 TASK SHEET FOR A CULMINATING TASK 6 Criteria for Sundial task for teacher 8 Bloom?s Taxonomy Evaluation for Students 10 Assessment Justification 12 Key learning strategies and checks for learning that scaffold assessment 13 Formative assessment strategies and justifications 14 Assessment and Reporting Understanding Assessment. For teachers to engage in developing better understanding of what assessment is and for, and
Science plays an important part in one’s life since it deals with nature and the reason behind everything. We live and breathe science, everything happens in the name of science. It becomes one of the important subjects in school. And of course there are principles of teaching science and implications for the teacher. One is “children’s understanding of science concepts develops in a sequential manner’. So pupils learn in sequence in order to grasp the concept which the teacher now has to teach in
Science plays an important part in one’s life since it deals with nature and the reason behind everything. We live and breathe science, everything happens in the name of science. It becomes one of the important subjects in school. And of course there are principles of teaching science and implications for the teacher. One is “children’s understanding of science concepts develops in a sequential manner’. So pupils learn in sequence in order to grasp the concept which the teacher now has to teach in
swamp, mangroves, and brackish lagoons with vegetation and sand islands, sea grass beds and sandy beaches. It is also unique for having a variety of interconnected ecosystem, namely the sea, beach, mudflat, lagoon, estuary, river, islands, coastal forest and mangrove forest.Setiu Wetland also has many products like handicraft such as mengkuang, atap nipah from Nipa palm and vase from Nipa. This will give a big potential for local people to take advantage to promote Setiu Wetlands as a must place to
correlating those factors into who the Chillihuani people grow to be (Bolin 7) . Throughout the book she took part in observing key moments, both public and private, such as birth, death, fiestas, herding, and pretty much everything besides going to the school in the valley miles away every day. Being in the moment of heat and experiencing things in real time, not just through stories, are what made her research easier and more accurate for her works to consist of. After dealing with each situation as
Washington Irving (1783 –1859) was born in the year United Stated achieved independence from Britain and he was named after the Father of His Country, George Washington. He is known as the father of American Literature. He “legitimated the writer as writer, someone distinct from other occupations, and he vindicated the artwork as just that, a work of art and not a vehicle for moral or civic instruction” (Gilmore 661-662). He was the American writer who made authorship profitable. "If the American
vegetables. The first group includes those cultivated mainly for commercial purposes, such as spinach, cucumber, bean, and morning glory. The second is self-growing vegetables around living areas, like eggplants as a hedge. The third group is wild and forest-growing vegetables, like jombloh genjer. There is a saying: as long as there is nature, no one needs to starve to