Importance Of Play

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Literature Review “Play is often referred to as if it was a relief from serious learning,” said Fred Rodgers, “But for children play is serious learning, play is the work of children.” Jeanine Ouelette refers to play as, “activity that is unencumbered by adult direction, and does not depend on manufactured items or rules imposed by someone other than the children themselves”(Oulette, 2007,para.13.) When children play, they are actively engaged in activities they have freely chosen; that is, they are self-directed and motivated from within. The importance of play to young children’s academic development and learning has been documented beyond question by research. Play is essential to…show more content…
A child physical development is so important in early childhood ademic development, since they are at the age where their fine and gross motor skills are still developing. Because play often involves physical activity, it is closely related to the development and refinement of children's gross and fine motor skills and their body awareness. As children vigorously and joyfully use their bodies in physical exercise, they simultaneously refine and develop skills that enable them to feel confident, secure, and self-assured. In societies where children experience pressure to succeed in all areas, confidence and competence are essential (Berk, 2002; Fromberg, 2002; Frost et al., 2001; Holmes & Geiger, 2002; McCune & Zanes, 2001; Murata & Maeda, 2002; Santrock, 2003). When a child is competent and confidence experts say that they are well rounded. And well-rounded children have a higher success rate in life. For many, play is epitomized by children running, climbing, jumping, and moving. The pure joy of these simple physical activities is warmly remembered. Children using their large muscles in these activities are strengthening their gross motor development (Gallahue, 1982). Play activities also include use of smaller muscles for a variety of tasks. Fine motor development is refined through cutting, lacing, buttoning, painting, and writing experiences in play. Building with Legos, putting together puzzles, sand and water play, woodworking…show more content…
In their play, children can master emotional issues such as anxiety, frustration, normal developmental conflicts, traumatic situations, unfamiliar concepts, and overwhelming experiences. It is through these play activities, that students get to express themselves, and teachers get to observe weather or not certain concepts has been grasped and if she needs to do additional work. When teachers understand students they can know how to reach students. In addition, as social organisms, humans have a basic need to belong to and feel part of a group and to learn how to live and work in groups with different compositions and for different purposes. Play serves several functions in satisfying these needs and developing these social and emotional life skills. For example, children of all ages need to be socialized as contributing members of their respective cultures. Numerous studies (Creasey, Jarvis, & Berk, 1998; Erikson, 1963; Goleman, 1995; Piaget, 1962; Rubin & Howe, 1986; Rubin, Maioni, & Hormung, 1976; Rubin, Watson, & Jambor, 1978; Sutton-Smith, 1997; Vygotsky, 1978) indicate that play with others gives children the opportunity to match their behavior with others and to take into account viewpoints that differ from their own. Thus, play provides the rich experience children need to learn social skills; become sensitive to
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