Essay About Syrian Refugees

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SYRIAN REFUGEE CRYSIS More than 4 years ago after this huge war began it has killed about 220,000 thousand people and the thing is that half of them were civilians which is heart breaking to hear. Bombings have been destroying cities and people are not getting the basic necessities like food, water and shelter it has been estimated that about 7.6million people are internally displaced more than half of the population is need of humanitarian assistance. Due to the current civil war there have been a high increase in the number of Syrians seeking asylum across the world mostly in Europe and neighboring countries like Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq. Syrian refugees face many problems in their journeys where many refuges try different ways to reach their destination as a matter of fact , the Mediterranean is the most famous migrant route where most of use that route to cross the border and where like 3,419 migrants died crossing it and this journey or trips come with a lot of risks. Refugees mainly aim for the mainland and are…show more content…
As Syria’s civil war has intensified thousand s of children have died and have been badly injured. Boys and girls continue to be maimed, torture and murdered so we should now start applying violations against children’s

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