The Holy Quran

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The Noble Quran is the universal guidance and light for all Mankind. Allah (SWT) as well as the Holy Prophet (SAW) imparted this information upon the Muslims on numerous occasions. The Quran consists of 114 chapters known to the Muslims as Surahs. These chapters of the Quran differ in length and in subject matter. The longest Surah of the Quran is Surah Al-Baqara with 286 verses, and the shortest Surah is Surah al-Kauthar, with just 3 verses. Different Surahs were delivered at different times and places. For example the very first Surah was revealed to the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the Cave of Thawr while he was meditating. Other verses revealed over time had different themes and implications. Each Surah has a special purpose, a specific message to deliver to the believers of Islam. The 114 Surahs of the Quran provide Allah (SWT)’s message in a manner that is both spiritually and linguistically splendid. Surah Al-An’am is the sixth chapter or Surah of the Holy Quran; it is also one of the longer Surahs of the Holy Quran having a grand total of 165 verses. Surah Al-Maida precedes it, which is a Madni Surah. Surah Al-An’am on the other hand is a Makkan Surah. It is also further believed that this Surah was revealed during the last year of the Holy Prophet (SAW)’s time at Makkah before…show more content…
This verse was revealed to the Prophet (SAW) at a time when pagans heavily refuted the Message of Allah (SWT). This verse was meant as a countermeasure to their claims that Allah (SWT) was not the only God. Where the pagans constantly pleaded the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to bring down the Wrath of Allah (SWT) upon them. This verse refutes that claim as to why they should not face the Wrath of Allah (SWT). Whereas the verses (56-58) speak of Allah (SWT)’s Power and Ability, verse number 59 goes on to speak of Allah (SWT)’s Knowledge and

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