Essay About Climate Change In The Philippines

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II. LEGAL SOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEM Global Legal Responses United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Due to the substantial extent of the impact of climate change across the globe, many countries have initiated steps in reducing and limiting greenhouse gasses which contribute greatly to the adverse and detrimental effects of climate change. One of the most significant movement was made during 1994 in Rio de Janeiro when the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (The Convention) was adopted. The Convention acknowledged the existence of a problem known as climate change, its adverse effects to humankind, and that all countries must cooperate to address such problem. The main objective of The Convention is the “stabilization…show more content…
Clean Energy Technologies This program aims to promote various sources of energy which are cleaner and safer than fossil fuels. It includes: a. Nuclear Energy, and b. Liquified Natural Gas With the implementation of the INDC, the government created promising objectives which if attained would put the country at an advantage not only in terms of providing renewable, and clean energy, but also in creating a sustainable environment. Moreover, the above-mentioned programs would create thousands is not millions of jobs for Filipinos which could help alleviate unemployment, and poverty. However, these objectives are not easy to achieve. It comes with great restrictions, including budget, and the capability of it being maintained. There is no doubt that what the government has planned is impressive and beneficial, however, when it comes to execution, the government disappoints. The Bataan Nuclear Powerplant serves as an example – its technology and structure were unlike any other during its time, and this could have launched the country’s economy to greater heights, however, this non-operating-massive-undertaking is now used for school tours instead of providing the country with the energy it needs. As parties to The Agreement, and with the implementation of the INDC, the energy sector is obliged to create new alternatives in terms of energy use. This means a lot of research and development, and moving away from conventional methods like using fossil fuels and coal for

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