The Granada War

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The Granada War took place in what is now modern day Spain around the Iberian Peninsula. The war itself was one of the first to use cannon warfare to their advantage. As a result of this war, all of the Islamic Rule was eliminated and gave Christianity power across the Iberian Peninsula region. These battles also gave birth to an entire genre that is called romances fronterizos. There were many things that this war inspired for years to come. This essay is going to talk about the lasting effects of the Spanish and their choices that eventually lead to them controlling the area. Let's blast right into it. Cannon warfare was just starting to come into play around this time and had very spotted uses due to it being so new. During the entirety…show more content…
The Christians wanted the Muslims off of the land and they were willing to get them off with force. After they took control of it they offered very good terms to the Muslims that were still around. They were allowed for three years to emigrate freely, keep their weapons (except firearms), and even stay with their same religion (Hillgarth). This is not something that happened very often, especially in wars with such a heavy religious influence. To say if something like this could ever happen again is not easy to tell especially because not a lot of wars are fought over religion now-a-days. The few that are about religion generally don’t let them stay as their previous religion. Many would be killed but most would probably be sent to somewhere else as refugees. It is interesting to see how religion’s global presence has changed over the years. As a result from the respectful treatment of the conquered people the area remained pretty stable for almost 8 years. (Hillgarth) This more than likely saved a lot of time and money that could go towards spending on things to help them improve their army and economy as a whole. There really is no telling what could have happened if they forced all the Muslims out and being disrespectful. One could only assume that there would be a revolt and the Spanish would have to deal with the place again. These kind of things really have some of the longest lasting effects from wars. Many years later there would be a problem when a new ruler would come into the picture and make all of the people convert or leave (Harvey). This kind of thinking is something that would be much more common for years to
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