Daydreams Of What You D Rather Be Analysis

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“Daydreams of What You’d Rather Be”, written by Lance Morrow, a highly notable essayist. As a student of Harvard University, Lance Morrow graduated as magna cum laude in English literature in 1963. He became a journalism professor at Harvard years later, but he proved his expertise to the world during his 32 years as a writer for Time Magazine. On June 28, 1982, Morrow published an article titled, Daydreams of What You’d Rather Be that addressed a psychological phenomenon that everyone experiences in their lifetime. In this article, he addresses the validity, symptoms, dangers, and and value of daydreaming an alternative self. In the first two paragraphs of the article, Morrow immediately references historical or famous figures, such as Soren…show more content…
These symptoms cause humans to stray off their ordinary path and try new things or open up to more ideas. “ Like a gangster who has cooperated with the district attorney, we want a new name and a new career and a new house in a different city-- and maybe a new nose from the D.A.’s cosmetic surgeon.” (Morrow par. 4) The simile used in this sentence describes how a person’s alternative being causes them to change for their comfort. Morrow used this realistic example to help the reader understand his idea. Even though satisfying an alternative self can occur, the appeal to this usually fades away. “ The car gets packed and pointed back toward the old reality.” (Morrow par. 5) Lance Morrow uses a metaphor to compare the drive to satisfy fantasy to a vehicle on its way to return to actuality. Occasionally, fantasy can cause a person to change frequently. Morrow references Ferdinand Waldo Demara Junior, who changed his career very often. His careers include: a Trappist Monk, a doctor of psychology, a dean of philosophy, a law student, a surgeon in the navy, and a deputy warden at a prison. Morrow uses Demara to show an extreme end of the spectrum. There are people who try out a new sport that they think they would like or have numerous career changes over a lifespan or to those who do not change their lifestyle at all to comfort their alternate

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