The Benefits Of Space Exploration

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The study of the universe has also led to many unintended technological advances that have improved our quality of life, and hence mankind should invest in it. To meet the many goals of space exploration, government space agencies and the aerospace industry had to develop new technologies, which provided a technical basis for stimulating secondary applications. Each application is a by-product of space research, known as a spinoff, which is a secondary product or technology derived from technological development in an unrelated field (Dasch, 2002). One such example is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is a non-invasive medical test that allow physicians to make a more accurate diagnosis. MRI makes use of image enhancement technology,…show more content…
These dangers include the dangers of space debris. Since 1957, the launch of the first satellite into space, the number of satellites in space has been growing (Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee, 2002). As time passes, these satellites will become non-functional and hence fall into the space debris category. Hence as the number of satellites increases, the amount of space debris also increases (Jakhu, 2011). A growing amount of space debris, increases the chances of space debris collision, as a result, the chances of fatality in space caused by these collisions would increase. Space debris are so dangerous because they move at an average speed of 35,000 kilometres per hour, as a result, even small fragments can tear a hole in a spacecraft or satellite (Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee, 2002), threatening the lives of space crew on board. In fact, on multiple occasions, the International Space Station controllers had to alter its orbit to prevent collisions with space debris (Broad, 2009). Hence, space debris do pose an increasing threat to space exploration, thus discouraging investors from investing in…show more content…
Furthermore, the amount of space debris is approaching the point of saturation, so it is crucial to address the problem as soon as possible. The IADC, which consists of 12 government space agencies, was formed to do research and track space debris (Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee, 2002). Additionally, the IADC has proposed two measures for minimising the amount of space debris in orbit. These measures consist of limiting debris released during normal operations and minimising the potential for on-orbit break-ups (Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee, 2002). Since these measures are not legally binding, only a handful of private space agencies abide by these measures (Jakhu, 2011). To encourage private corporations to implement these measures, financial incentives can be provided. These financial incentives include priority in the allocation of orbital slots, discounts on satellite insurance and discounts on satellite launching fee (Jakhu, 2011). Hence, providing a tangible benefit to those who adhere to and implement the measures. It is fortunate that the problem of space debris was identified early by scientists so that the problem could be addressed before it got out of hand. Even though more needs to be done, the problem of space debris should not undermine the importance of the study of the universe, hence funds
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