Texas Political Structure

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Texas invokes a rich and extensive history. Texas has an abundant amount of history to help shape the overall political view of the state of Texas. The state of Texas has had many constitutions to help construct and shape what it is today. The parties and election, and the political culture of the state serve as an important role in how and what Texas gets to do as a state of America. The Texas Constitution The state has had several different constitutions, and according to the textbook is a legal structure of a government, which establishes the state’s government power and authority as well as the limits on that power. The first Texas Constitution was The Constitution of Coahuila y Tejas in 1827, when Texas was a part of Mexico. Mexico…show more content…
Davis. This would lead to more than a century of dominance by the Democratic Party in Texas. During this century the Republican Party would not fight for major offices for the state. This dominance even effected other party such as the Populist Party who also never ran major state power. Nevertheless they some influences that was short-lived. In the 1950s Allan Shivers the Texas Democratic governor at the time led a movement called the Shivercrat Movement. The movement was conservative Democrats in the state of Texas supported the Republican presidential ticket of Eisenhower and Nixon. In the case many of the Democrats thought that the party had developed too liberal ideas. The textbook states that Shivercrat Movement sent a message and therefore there was the development of the presidential Republicanism. Even after the movement the Democrats were still the overpoweringly power in Texas. The progression of the Republican Party in Texas in the 1960s showed that the Republican Party rose by 10 percent while Democrats stayed at 60 percent. In the 1970s there was a weakening in Democratic membership and increase in Republicans membership by the people in Texas. By the late 1990s every single statewide elected official was a Republican. Because of the long history between the two major parties the Republicans and Democrats and Texas being such a one-sided state, this does not leave much room for…show more content…
Three main high-tech revolutions have helped to remodel the economic life in the state of Texas. First, there was construction of agriculture product such as cotton, cattle, and the railroad system. These three revolutions distinct economic life time in the nineteenth and early twentieth century in Texas. Next is the oil industries which conquered in Texas for the better half of the early twentieth century. Lastly there is the period of high technology that has renovated the state of Texas by expanding its economy to grow international economy. The growing of Texas economy is the main reason for the continuing demographic changes and shifts. In the history of Texas white people was the powerful or dominant ethnic group for the most part of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In Texas many early decent of African American people entered Texas as slaves. Today many African Americans east of Texas. African Americas are more concentrated in urban areas such as Houston and Dallas. Latinos in Texas are from a Mexican decent. In the early nineteenth century about 5,000 of the people in Texas was from Mexican decent. The reason for the large number of Mexican moving to Texas was, because of political and economic distress in Mexico. The Mexican population grew fast in Texas and by 2010 there were approximately 9.5 million Hispanics that would be present in in Texas. Texas Hispanic

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