Misty Copeland's Influence In Dance

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An inspiration to dancers everywhere, Misty Copeland’s influence has become stronger than she ever imagined it would. As the first African American principal dancer at American Ballet Theatre, Copeland uses her influence to combat the faults in the ballet industry. Moreover, her work towards ending discrimination has motivated women of color to pursue their aspirations in dance. The dancer’s less than ideal upbringing has made her more charitable through the years. People across the globe recognize and praise her technique. In spite of this point, critics claim Copeland’s artistry is lacking in skill, a denunciation with which many people do not agree with. Copeland uses her influence to support charities around the world. In 2015, she helped…show more content…
Copeland recounts her experiences to display that even those who do not fit the standard for a ‘typical’ ballet dancer can survive in the professional world. Specifically, when debuting as the Firebird in Igor Stavinsky’s ballet The Firebird, Misty Copeland knew that she could utilize the story to influence others. The ballerina voices that this role is what helped her prove her talent to the world (Sutherlin, 2016). Despite the odds being against her, Copeland threw herself into the world of ballet, and later reaped the benefits. Coupled with this, Misty Copeland has an unconventional body type for a ballet dancer, with visible muscles and a larger chest than most female ballet dancers (Haas 2016). A change of standard helps women of different body types gain ranks in the professional ballet industry, and Copeland’s influence is helping girls who do not fit the standard ‘ballet body’ audition for these positions. Furthermore, Copeland, having started her training at age thirteen, defies the stereotype that all professional dancers must start at the earliest age possible. To young girls considered ‘late starters’, this is an amazing feat to see, especially with Copeland’s prestigious position in American Ballet Theatre. Her unbelievable accomplishments contribute to her influence in the ballet world and help her achieve her goal of inspiring unconventional dancers to apply themselves more to their

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