Ted Bundy Research Paper

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IS CRIMINAL PROFILING AN EFFECTIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT TOOL? The Research Says Yes Jesse Snell Dr. Todd Isaacson Criminal Profiling 22 Feb 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION…………………………………….page 3 II. HISTORY……………………………………………..page 4-7 III. DISCUSSION…………………………………………page 7-12 IV. CONCLUSION………………………………………..page 12-13 V. REFERENCES………………………………………...page 14-15 INTRODUCTION One of the most confusing, befuddling, frightening and, sometimes, impossible things for human beings to understand is other human beings. Understanding why they think and behave as they do, in many ways, remains a bonafide mystery. There are many scientific disciplines, including biology, sociology, and psychology, which works to determine…show more content…
However, after his girlfriend left him, he literally snapped mentally. It triggered him to kill other women that remind him of his girlfriend, which acted as surrogates, or replacements, for the person he really wanted to kill. Ted Bundy was a sadist whose fantasies included bondage that bordered on torture. He would ultimately take the lives of, at least, 35 women before law enforcement, which included the hard work and contributions of profilers were able to see what was underneath the handsome and charismatic image he portrayed to the rest of the world (Hendricks, 2012). John Wayne Gacy Jr John Wayne Gacy Jr. represents one of the most frightening manifestations of the serial killer. He was known to dress as a clown and perform at parties, while at the same time murdering, at least 33, young men and burying their bodies under his home. He was a true psychopath that attempted to claim insanity as a defense for his crimes. However, Gacy chose his victims ahead of time, which qualifies as premeditation, which ended his hopes of an insanity plea. Had there not been profilers at law enforcement’s disposal then this serial killer may have continued his killing for decades (Hendricks, 2012). Aileen

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