Teacher Day Event Essay

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I have been thrown around various leadership roles during my high school life and also in my current job. But to select the one which I am most proud of would be to organize my Form 5 Teacher day Events. Every year my high school SMK Taman SEA would have an extravagant teacher’s day celebration. Teachers would be invited to be part of a telematch of mix student teacher teams. After recess there will be performances by students in the school hall. I would have two parts to play on these events first as the Club Kembara President i would lead organize the telematch in the morning and as the head of sound system I would also be in the backstage setting up the equipment for the performances. Three weeks prior to Teachers Day we gather the kembara club after schooling hours to discuss the telematch. We…show more content…
First was the meeting for the games. It was short and quick as everyone was sure of what to do. Next comes the sound test and to my surprise my hand pick crew were not having any troubles at all setting up. I was just triple checking what they set up and making sure the order of songs to play. This is when I realize that what I have been doing these past 3 weeks. Unnoticed by me I was actually trying to get everyone involve to be a leader in their own segment. As I was saying the whole time, okay guys/girls I might not be there so can you handle this part. And everyone seem to be able to handle it pretty well. I just realize I have spent the last 3weeks prepping everyone, making their task smaller so easier to do. I ended up being made into MC with another kemabara member since we totally forgot that we needed one. And I was just watching them set up game after game smoothly, without any problems. After the telematch was done and it was recess, my kembara crew told me don’t worry go do your Sound System job in the hall we will handle the
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