Pros And Cons Of School Uniforms

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The belief is that students who wear school uniforms perform slightly better academically in school than those that don’t. Students tend to focus more on their clothing that it interrupts them from learning. Some educators believe that a uniform policy could limit this distraction and help to improve student’s attention and scholastic future. They believe uniforms set a stage in an environment that is better suited for learning and can improve student performance. Some educators also believe that school attendance is effected in a positive way because of school uniforms. Many parents state that their children save a great deal of time from planning and choosing their daily clothing, and that uniform allows them to spend more time sleeping or studying. School uniforms take away students’ freedom of expression is one of the main arguments that tends to…show more content…
Many families do not have the money or time to purchase and have the uniforms cleaned properly by professional dry cleaners. The students whose parents don’t properly take care of the uniforms will be made fun of because they will stand out from the others. This one is somewhat a concern, but in actuality, uniforms are only costly in the private school application. Public school uniforms are generally purchased at your regular department store. They are machine washed as regular clothing. No need to send them to the cleaners unless that is your personal preference. They are priced low so when one is torn, worn, or faded parents can easy purchase another set. And the notion that now parents have to buy two sets of clothing which makes their expenses go up is false as well. Parents expect the children to play in regular school clothes so the same will be expected in uniforms. And only clothing that will have to be purchase in addition to uniforms is weekend clothing, which would have been figured into regular clothes shopping as well. So that is an inaccurate
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