Swot Analysis Of Blackberry

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Introduction In the beginning of the year 2009 Blackberry's phones had a market share of over 20% in the global smartphone market. Since then has decreased to a point where one of the biggest market research company Kantar considers it ”too low to small to be counted”. Since the figures are so excessive it is obvious that the major decrease in Blackberry's market share is not only due to the growth of the market and/or entrance of other brands but also the decrease of Blackberry’s product. Major operational moves are required. Something has to be changed to increase the profitability of Research In Motion. One possibility is to licence Blackberry's operating system to other hardware manufacturers such as HTC or Huawei the same way that Google…show more content…
An analysis of various statistics about the smartphone operating system market and the market competition The usage of these three main techniques will enable this report to draw a conclusion and make legitimate recommendations about Blackberry strategies to achieve higher profitability. A survey completed by 40 people was a sample group comprised 50 % of my Facebook friends and therefore the age spectrum is mainly around 16-25. Other half of the attendees are older people including, for instance, my parents and my uncle. A SWOT-analysis was also conducted. A SWOT-analysis is a useful decision-maiking tool which show the strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the business and can be valuable to determine the current situation, in this case, of the current Blackberry brand and the operating system. I used it to asses the current qualities of the BB10 OS. Other tool used: Ansoff Matrix is used to provide a framework for future growth of a company. BCG-matrix to analyse what would the introduction of a new product line, licencing the BB10 OS, mean in terms of the Boston Consulting Group…show more content…
What would moving to licensing the BB OS mean in terms of Ansoff's Matrix Present New Market penetration Product development Market development Diversification Table 2 show the Ansoff Matrix. It is an analytical tool to help companies the device their product and market growth strategy. It can provide various strategies which businesses can use depending on the aim of their business. The aim of Blackberry the aim is to increase profitability by licensing its operating system. It is a new product to an existing market: therefore this is product development. Table 3. Boston Consulting Group -matrix BCG-matrix is used by businesses to analyse product lines in a search for growth opportunities. The smartphone market is growing at a decelerating pace and licensing would be a completely new type of action by Blackberry. Therefore, the licensing of the BB10 OS will locate in the questionmark segment. Market data main findings: Analysis Since Blackberry would enter a new market a STEEPLE-analysis is useful. As a full STEEPLE-analysis would be beyond the wordcount of this investigation, focus on Social, Technological and Economical is

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