Surabaya Vision

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In this modern era, high technology equipment is required to ease employees’ workload. Surabaya City Government has 69 Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD). In Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah (RPJM) 2010-2015, Surabaya vision is to become a better Surabaya as Service City, smart trading, humane, dignified and environmental minded. Aligned with the vision, as a city that prioritize high service level to its citizen, it affects the necessity of equipment in government offices to support its activities to be more effectively and efficiently. One of the supporting equipment used in Surabaya City Government is printer. On the other hand, as a high technology and easily obsolete equipment, printer keeps developing each time, either its features…show more content…
The infrastructures in example computer, printer, scanner, and government vehicle, have important roles in support administrative service and increased work mobility. Aside from that, Surabaya also planned to have e-government system which has been initiated since 2002. Surabaya Government stated e-government planned to run is divided into two, in terms of local financial management and community service. Local financial management consist of e-budgeting, e-project, e-procurement, e-delivery, e-controlling, and e-performance. As for community service, referred to e-sapawarga, consist of e-perijinan, e-musrenbang, and complaint that done electronically (Tribun Nasional, 2012). It hopes to have an integrated system to help the administration and work of managing Surabaya rather than a manual-conventional way of recording/working system. Thus in helping Surabaya Procurement Division, an integrated recording system is used which is called as Sistem Informasi Management Barang Daerah (SIMBADA) that is designed to ease and quicken the assets management of Surabaya Government in which the example of SIMBADA shows in figure…show more content…
Generally, service life is defined as the expected lifetime of a product or a period usage of an equipment/tools, on the other hand, to avoid misinterpretation with economic life, it is a period where the assets fulfilled the required function (Asselbergs & Dijk, 2013). Service life span of a product itself might be longer or shorter than predicted as it is highly affected by the way of usage of the product. The service life estimation will be used as a guideline for Surabaya Procurement Division to know in which year the assets can be proposed by each SKPD. Therefore, by conducting this study, it hopes that Surabaya Procurement Division can have a good forecasting and optimal needs evaluation of assets procurement especially printer in the future. Finally, it will be used as a recommendation to Surabaya Procurement Division related to the decision of leasing or buying the printer, or having a third-party-contract maintenance
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