Alfred Hitchcock's Use Of Storyboards In Film

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In summary I have found out that directors can use storyboards to help them with all different types of aspects when making a film, and that there is not just one way of working. Storyboarding became popular in live-action film production during the early 1940s, and grew into a standard medium for previsualization of films, and is still used today but more to do with helping out action scenes and special effects because of how technology has grown over the years. I’ve also found out that storyboards really are just the plan of a film, yes they help out with the visuals but I’ve also realized that when translating a drawing to the big screen you need other elements to make it come to life, like music. Yes lighting and shadows with different contrasts settings adds a great deal of atmosphere but cinema can’t just rely on that anymore since silent films have faded.…show more content…
Given his outpouring work. In my research I have found that Hitchcock’s use of storyboarding is just one technic he uses to help create atmosphere in his films. But it’s the fundamental part of his creation process before Hitchcock actually starts production. Hitchcock’s films were planned to perfection. His ideas were sketched for every scene, the storyboards were somewhat an exact duplicate of the film just on paper. Hitchcock chose his actors carefully that would break the stereotype of people. He was well aware of what type of emotions the audience would go through when they were watching one of his films. Hitchcock’s well known knowledge on how to use camera angles, to add music, the montage effect and lighting to convey atmosphere is the reason why his films have such a big impact of suspense and this is what makes Hitchcock a great film director. Hitchcock wrote, produced, and directed films up until 1979, passing away in

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