Importance Of Character Recognition

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OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNIZATION Artificial Intelligence Abdullah Sohail 05780 Table of Contents Introduction 3 WHAT IS OCR? 4 Why OCR? 4 How is OCR done? 6 Phases of OCR: 8 Data Acquisition 8 Introduction OCR is a methodology that gives a full alphanumeric recognition of printed or manually written characters at electronically by essentially examining them and producing into a frame that can be looked over a scanner and afterward the recognition motor of the OCR framework translate the pictures and transform pictures of transcribed or printed characters into ASCII information (machine-decipherable characters).Character recognition additionally prominently alluded as optical character recognition (OCR) is a field of examination that…show more content…
Character Recognition is one such concept which has beheld mankind’s attention. There can be no greater testimony to the same than the fact that people were already working on this idea - a few decades before John McCarthy even coined the term "Artificial Intelligence". Today, especially, Character Recognition plays a very important part of our daily lives as they are incorporated so subtly that we even forget their presence. Some examples are their implementation in Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat and even Pen computing. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the mechanical or electronic conversion of scanned or photo images of typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded/computer- readable text. This text can then be used in numerous ways - ranging from assisting the visually impaired (text-to-speech), extracting information from the image, pen computing and so on. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a result of cross-linking various avenues of technology like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks. We propose to develop a system based on mathematical algorithms and principles which involve all the aforementioned technologies. That being said, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) also depends on a few other factors, the quality of the image taken, the orientation of and the dialect being used. Our paper aims to address the aforementioned problems, which enables its application in numerous new fields as well as the obvious & established aspects of our
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