Strengths And Weaknesses In Work

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What is one weakness you have? I would say that one weakness I have is that I get frustrated quite easily, but not as easily as I once did. I definitely have improved with my patience/tolerance level. And I am continuing to improve with my levels of tolerance. What is one thing you do well? One thing that I do well is work with babies and children. I love to work with them and they seem to love me. I have a better tolerance level with children than with adult. I can entertain, soothe and get children/babies to cooperate. Why Are You Looking for a Job? - Of course, everyone wants to make money at a job, but the reasons you should share with a potential employer should reflect your interest in the field, or in helping to develop your skill…show more content…
- I am interested in working for your company because I have been interested in photography since I was young and I have wanted to learn more about photography. Working with a professional company would definitely help me learn the specifics of photography and help me improve my techniques. How Has School Prepared You For Working at Our Company? - School has prepared me for working at your company by helping me increase my tolerance levels for loud, obnoxious children/people and how to work with people who don’t want to cooperate. I has helped me with being able to meet deadlines and having to go at a fast pace with things which I think would help me at your company if you were to have a busy day. Why Should We Hire You? - You should hire me because I am a hard worker who can work well with difficult people. I am driven and eager to learn new things. I am a fast learner and can get things done well and at a fast pace. I love children, which can come in handy when you have shoots with young children and I am willing to do whatever is needed. What Do You Think It Takes to be Successful in This Position? - Something that is needed to be successful in this position is getting things done fast, and when they are needed. You also need to be able to work with all kinds of people and in stressful

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