Stream Team Report

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Stream team is a group of people that go to a stream to test water quality. The first stream team was in 1988 with the goals of education, stewardship, and advocacy.("Stream Team Program.")The chemical tests used, test the levels of phosphates, nitrate, turbidity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and chlorine. My team only had the chance to test the stream for nitrates, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and pH. The materials used in this project are: a LaMotte phosphatase kit, LaMotte nitrates kit, turbidity tube, LaMotte pH kit, LaMotte dissolved oxygen kit, LaMotte chlorine kit, and a thermometer. The first test that has to be done before anyone gets into the stream is the turbidity test. After the turbidity test the order of the tests does not really matter.…show more content…
B/C tablets, test tubes, and phosphates. Rgt. A. For the nitrates test you will need to make sure you have: the nitrate slide, test tubes, mixed acid, and nitrate r. For the turbidity test you need the turbidity tube. For the pH test make sure you have: pH acid, pH base, pH level indicator, and test tubes. For the dissolved oxygen test you need: dissolved oxygen packets one two and three, a test tube, dissolved oxygen bottle with stopper, and an extra bottle. Phosphates can both help and hurt the stream. Phosphates are a phosphorus atom combined with four oxygen atoms. Too many phosphates can cause excessive algae growth in the water. Phosphates can kill other plants by blocking the sunlight, and affects the animals by the plants dying out from lack of dissolved oxygen and the animals not having food anymore. Phosphate is produced when weathering occurs on rocks which releases phosphorus as phosphate ions. The average amount of phosphates in a stream should range from .005 to .05 ml/L (Kotoski). We did not have data for the phosphate
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