Swot Analysis Of Vc

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VMC SWOT Analysis Team 7 1 BACKGROUND The Veteran’s Multi Service Center (VMC) was founded in Philadelphia in 1980 to serve the needs of veterans returning from Vietnam war (History, 2013). Over the years the VMC has expanded both its range of services and the veterans it services. Today, the VMC offers temporary financial support, transitional housing, job assistance and career development, legal assistance, and educational support (VMC Annual Report 2013/14, 2014). 2 MARKETING PLAN SWOT 2.1 STRENGTHS 2.1.1 Corporate Partnerships • The VMC has strong corporate partnerships which have both a local and national presence. The partners provide both financial support and credibility to the organization. 2.1.2 Breadth of Services • The VMC offers…show more content…
This allows the organization to have a very personal connection with the veterans they are serving. 2.1.4 Tax Exemption & Using Social Media to fullest extent • The Veteran Multi-Service center, being a non-profit organization, is exempted from organizational tax. This allows the VMC to retain revenue which can be utilized in other welfare activities. Social media has become the most powerful marketing channel for both commercial and non-profit organizations. The VMC has utilized this marketing channel to fullest extent by posting various promotional campaigns & activities in social media. 2.2 WEAKNESSES 2.2.1 Limited…show more content…
Additionally, according to the VMC (VMC Annual Report 2013/14, 2014), only 4% of their revenue is utilized for administration including marketing efforts. Pricing , Promotional strategies and the targeting of key markets plays a key role in the overall marketing strategy. Due to resource constraints,these key parameters are affected which leads to gap in current Marketing Strategy. By tapping in to more small businesses which are veteran owned or have a high number of veteran employees, the VMC can leverage their personal military experiences to garner personal relationships and be able to effectively demonstrate the capabilities of their programs. Additionally, the VMC recently acquired a thrift store to assist in obtaining donations, providing temporary employment for veterans and provides for an additional revenue stream. Capitalizing on this opportunity can help provide the VMC revenue outside of charitable donations. This revenue can be used in many ways such as marketing or market growth. 3.2 WHAT ISSUES ARE PARTICULARLY INTERESTING OR CHALLENGING IN THE INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT AND EXTERNAL

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