Sterility Reflection

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Introduction For this assignment I am doing now, I need to write a reflective article regarding an event or situation occurred when I was an employee in Major Operating Theatre (MOT) in Singapore General Hospital (SGH) to maintain the importance of sterility. I will be using the Gibbs cycle for my reflective article. It consists of 6 stages. They are Description, Feelings, Evaluation, Analysis, Conclusion and Action Plan, in which I believe it will enable me to improve on the flaws I had in the past and prevent from happening it again by apply in the future under my work setting. Description During the first few weeks of my working life as a Perio-Opertaive (PO) Nurse, I encountered a situation on a Left Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKR), where…show more content…
The MO thanked me for pointing out the careless that he has made. He too, would not learn anything from the mistakes that he has made if I did not talk about it to my senior. He told me that I should have just voice out when such thing happens, especially breaching of sterility. Breaching of sterility means, the chances of patient have complication or risk of infection would be higher too. If only I would have voiced out at that point of time, the patient would not have to go through another round of unnecessary surgery which is totally unfair and costly for the…show more content…
I should have done what I should in the first place but instead, I did not voice out and it resulted to patient having further complication. I should not be contemplating on whether I should or I should not in the first place when such incident happened. After the incident happened, I realized that it is important for all the personnel who are inside the Operating Room (OR) to have a good communication among each other so as to prevent such incident from happening again. Each and every one of the OR personnel would be held responsibility of patient’s safety by accomplish their part individually by helping one and another. I believe that with everyone’s help and considerations, everyone would have a safe environment to work and patient’s safety would not be

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