Spiritual Intelligence Theory

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“Don’t let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace “– Dalai Lama Today, at many organizations revenue is not the only bottom-line. Managers have become conscious towards building highly focused teams and individuals who can maintain their equanimity even in trying circumstances. As we know that the strength of a chain is equal to the strength of its weakest chain, it becomes imperative for the modern managers to ensure there is a shared vision across all verticals of the organization. Contemporary behaviorists have suggested a powerful tool to achieve this. Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) has now become a key area of research so that individuals can achieve self –enhancement and have heightened sense of consciousness. The present discourse…show more content…
It was the year of the Lord 1983 .The seeds to the genesis of this idea were laid down Howard Gardner in his book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. He argued that existential intelligence can be one of the modalities of intelligence .He argues that some people more comfortable with their own being if they feel connected to people through relationships and are open to ideas and beliefs. They are more aware of their existence and a have a deeper sense of meaning and purpose. He refrained from labeling this as spiritual intelligence. Danah Zohar in her 1997 book “Re-wiring the Corporate Brain” developed the key themes to this idea and coined the term “Spiritual Intelligence “. She delved deeper into the foundation laid by Gardner and expounded that SQ is central to IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient). While IQ measure one’s reasoning ability, EQ measures the ability to discriminate between different emotions and exercise a degree of control on one‘s own emotions. But these quotients fail to measure a central aspect: Critical Existential thinking. The ability to…show more content…
A spiritually awakened person understands and appreciates the troughs of life and is better equipped to handle them. If someone praises the clothes you wear, or insults you about your looks, you are NOT affected. You realize that your real beauty lies within your character, within your nature, which no one can ever take away. You draw on the inner power from your spiritual faculties and you are stable in the face of others negativity. Using that strength in the right way, in the right place at the right time goes a long way in creating a leader in the truest sense of the word. Let’s take the Father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi for example. What prompted him to take a higher cause? What prompted him to show exemplary levels of humility in times of adulation and equanimity in times of crisis? He transcended his ego barriers to bring about a fundamental redesign of the Indian political scenario. Spiritual Intelligence became a driving force for fulfilling his vision for an Independent India. Dannah Zohar talks about twelve tenets in her book which are the hallmark traits of a spiritually awakened leader: Awareness of self Being Spontaneous Being vision- and value-led Holism and the ability to recognize patterns in the ebb and flow of life Having compassion for one and all Appreciating diversity in life and workplace The ability
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