Multiple Intelligence Theory And Reading Comprehension

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Review of related literature In order to be consistent with the purpose of this study, which aims at investigating the effect of a multiple-intelligences based program on improving tenth-grade students' skills in reading comprehension, this chapter is divided into two parts. The first part discusses the following issues: The theoretical part of Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory, multiple intelligences and learning styles, and reading comprehension. The second part is concerned with some previous studies that have been conducted in relation with applying the Multiple Intelligences Theory and reading comprehension. The theoretical background of Multiple Intelligences Theory In 1983, and after many years of research, Gardner – a psychologist…show more content…
However, Gardner believes that intelligence consists of many abilities and not just one. These specific abilities work together to allow learning to happen. In his definition of intelligence, Gardner asserted that intelligence is something that is biologically born with every person. That means all people in the world are intelligent and can develop his intelligence profile to the maximum level. Gardner also stated that no two people in the world have the same profile of intelligence even if they were complete twins. He also suggested that they way in which people perform their tasks using their intelligence is unique. Gardner questioned the one-way-intelligence saying that there are seven basic intelligences (linguistic, logical, bodily/kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and spatial). Each of these types is represented in a specific area of the human brain. Later, he added two more types intelligences; naturalistic and existential intelligences (Gardner, 2003). According to Armstrong (2009), the eight types of intelligence can be defined as follows: Linguistic intelligence: The ability to use words effectively whether in writing or orally. The person is able to use the structure, sounds, meanings, and pragmatics of a language efficiently. The uses of a language might be to convince others, remember information, inform others, or talk about…show more content…
One intelligent may be stronger than another within the same person. However, they all work together in coordination when performing things. The inherited features and the environment in which a person lives have a great impact on how people use their intelligences. For example, a cook uses his linguistic intelligence to read the recipe, his logical/mathematical intelligence to double the recipe, his interpersonal intelligence to prepare a dish that suits all people, his intrapersonal intelligence to account for his own preferred dish, and his bodily/kinesthetic intelligence to move around the kitchen and to use his hands to prepare the ingredients and mix them together. Moreover, he may have inherited some qualities from his father who was a cook in a well-known hotel. He might also have to prepare meals to his brothers and sisters when his mother was away from home. All of the above-mentioned factors come about together to produce a famous

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