Essay On Chair Design

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In modern age, people no longer foucus on fulfiling basic living requirement only, but also concerning their life quality.Designs in different periods can reflect peoples’ life like an mirror. Design follows the society changes and improve. Especially the global issues like the world wars, which revolutionlised the world. The products also changed according to the social reform. The wars not only change and affect in the political aspect, but also the peoples life The design in the war and post war period developed rapidly. 1.2. Aims The purpose of the essay is to to compare the charactistic of chair design before and after the world war II period.It foucus on the influence of the historial, cultural and technological development in the 1930s and 1960s. 1.3. Scope This essay will use the Zig-zag chair designed by Gerrit Thomas Rietveid in 1932 and the Panton Chair designed by Verner Panton in 1958 to represent the 30s and the 60s.The essay evaluate the historical, technology and cultural influence on the 30s and 60s product design. It will also compare the key aspects of the charactistic of both time period. Historial background of 1930s Modernism…show more content…
The radical chair used four wood planes with angular connection. It is diagonal and oblique for matching the sitting posture. Each planes is essential to the chair structure. The chair only occupies the minimum room space. The intention of Rietveid is to make a single piece of chair. Sereval designs were produced before the apperance of the wooden version.There are some variations on using plywood or chip wood on a metal frame for a chair without backlegs. In 1932, a tubular metal frame chair was designed for the Metz & Co. However, the structure is not strong enough and it had never been produced. Since the technology is unable to make a single piece wooden chair, the zig-zag chair is then constructed with four wood
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