Anglo American Plc In South Africa Case Study

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Case Study: Anglo American PLC in South Africa Madison Martin MBAA 604 04 March 2018 Dr. John Denigris Case Study: Anglo American PLC in South Africa The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the case study, “Anglo American PLC in South Africa: What Do You Do When Costs Reach Epidemic Proportions?,” listed in Chapter 5 of the MBAA 604 textbook, International Business by John Daniels, Lee Radebaugh, and Daniel Sullivan (Daniels, Radebaugh & Sullivan, 2017). First, how the South African government is handling the HIV/AIDS epidemic will be addressed. Then, the pros and cons of the pharmaceutical industry assisting the South African government with the HIV/AIDS issue will be discussed. Lastly, the debate if stakeholders have a moral…show more content…
Additionally, the company received criticisms for other corporations who believed the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa is “beyond the resources and capacity of a single company to combat,” (Daniels, Radebaugh & Sullivan, 2017, p. 151). So why is Anglo American so invested in helping minimize the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa? Simply put, the company believes it has a moral obligation to help its employees. One of their guiding values is care and respect, with the belief that they will “always treat people with respect, dignity, and common courtesy,” (“Anglo American,” 2018, p. 3). Another of their guiding principles is integrity, with the belief that “it’s not about being popular; it’s about doing the right thing,” (“Anglo American,” 2018, p. 3). A company holding true to their core values is critical in establishing and maintaining the organization’s cultural and ethical environment. Human Resource Management (HRM), uses the company’s core competencies to hire the right people who adhere to the moral and ethical standards set-forth by the organization. For Anglo American, even though they are a U.K. based company, they feel they have a moral responsibility to assist the South African government with the HIV/AIDS epidemic by taking care of their employees. However, other companies, such as BHP Billiton, feel that addressing the HIV/AIDS issue is important but it is not their direct responsibility. BHP has donated close to $30 million over five years to the Global Fund for Fight AIDS; however, unlike Anglo American, the company does not provide ART or HIV/AIDS drugs for its employees (“devex,” 2016). The company feels it has a moral responsibility to help global charities, but BHP does not feel it has a moral obligation to help one specific government with the HIV/AIDS

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