Essay On Personal Mastery Competency

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The objective of this paper is to devise an individual development plan that clearly outlines my desired personal mastery and emotional intelligence competency by establishing steps that I will carry out to achieve them. I first provide a background of who I am personally and what I do in the organization. Secondly, I candidly identify strengths and weaknesses to assess my current personal mastery competencies and reflect to understand what strategies I’ve implemented in my strengths. I establish the areas of improvements and to conclude the paper, I demonstrate how I will generate creative tension, I study proven methodologies for personal development and how I can leverage on them to reach my desired state. Background Growing up in an environment…show more content…
I enrolled and as I began to understand the concept, I suddenly saw the light. I realised that my work could enable us to deposit more into the customer. Now, as I write this paper, having not been consciously self-aware I realise that, I did not pay attention to my drivers, although I subconsciously knew my purpose, I never clearly articulated…show more content…
This journey has helped me realise how self-inflicted my recent problems have been, the withdrawal and disengagement caused by the narration of my career story. I have more to offer than I give myself credit for. I’m already realising that the feeling of lack of confidence came from my inability to understand my strengths and that I do not have to be perfect to perform well. I am reading the little book of mindfulness by Tiddy Rowan as I realised that I often just get by without understanding my emotions. Going forward I will seek feedback, analyse it, practice mindfulness and continuously monitor

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