Social Media Impact On Students

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The Impact of Social Media Networks on enhancing Students’ Performance in Online Learning Systems Ahmed Darhoug IS Department Arab Academy of Science and Technology Cairo, Egypt Mohamed Abu-Rizka Centre of Excellence Arab Academy of Science and Technology Cairo, Egypt Abd El-Fattah-Hegazy IS and Technology Arab Academy of Science and Technology Cairo, Egypt Abstract—Many researchers said that determining learning styles enhance the learning progress and makes learning easier for students. Learning management systems (LMS) are very successful in e-learning although it do not incorporate learning styles. As a requirement for taking learning styles into consideration in LMS, the…show more content…
Social media networks have a great effect on people life. They play important role in our daily life. They can be accessed very easily by PCs or mobile phones [1]. The purpose of this research is to analyze and observe different users behaviors while using social networks and how to use the collected data to help in enhancing students’ performance in online learning systems rather than the traditional approaches used. The information gained from the data analysis of the behavior of the users will improve the ability in personalization and adaptation of course content in online learning…show more content…
Student Model The student is the main actor in the learning process. He/she must be in control of their learning experience and should have the ability to modify their personal learning path. By student empowerment adaptation and personalization of e-learning can be expanded. All characteristics and information such as prior knowledge, goals, interests and capabilities must be kept and recorded. Also students’ activities on social media must be analyzed and observed in order to determine student’s learning style. B. Instructor The instructor is responsible for setting the educational goals of courses and perquisites of each course. He/she is also responsible for determining pedagogical approaches, course scope and curriculum alignment. C. Social Media Analyzer It consists of a computational engine. Once the student log in with his/her social network account the engine starts to collect data and analyze it, Activities such as number of likes, number of comments, number of posts published, number of family members, number of books liked and number of likes form others on user’s post are counted. The collected data is then saved in a log file. D.
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