Social Justice: Article Analysis

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Social justice can be defined as fairness in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. The society promoted by such an idea is one that is simply “just” and values diversity, by trying to unify people under a sense of common humanity. In an attempt to put an end to social inequality, numerous social justice issues have led to political action and hence become a political issue. Because social justice is generally equated with the idea of equality and equal opportunity, many people are beginning to place emphasis on social justice within the education system. Due to the fact that one’s education could be a direct factor that leads to their level of success in society, the push for social justice in…show more content…
Education is the foundation that many use to build their future off of. From the start of an individual’s childhood, if they are fortunate enough to be receiving any kind of education, then it can be said that they are privileged to have such an amazing opportunity that will later allow them to benefit society. In Raewyn Connell’s book, Schools and Social Justice, she also addresses the important connection between education and social justice. Although some may believe that the two should be separate topics of discussion, Connell feels that questions regarding the connection are valid ones and that “it is easier to believe in this separation if you are yourself well-paid and well-educated” (Connell…show more content…
The basics of this argument suggest that if we were to live in a perfect world, social justice would not even be a relevant consideration. If hypothetically, each and every individual in society were to be identical in all possible aspects such as finances, appearance, qualities, and personal possessions, then fair treatment would be credited to all because there would be no basis for unfair treatment. If this were to be the case, everyone would be treated equally and when people are equal and treated equally then questions of social justice do not arise. This idea intrigued me because it reminded me of the concept of a utopia. To live in a world in which everything is perfect is something I believe is impossible, and therefore I think this “perfect world argument” indirectly suggests that it is purely impossible for all people to be treated entirely equally, so there will always be subliminal issues associated with social justice. Connell also acknowledges that there is a risk in emphasizing equality because there is a possibility it will only be seen as a matter of individual rights (Connell 16). Since the origination of the idea of social justice, it has been one to emphasize balance and harmony in a shared social life, uniting people through humanity, not

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