Knowing Through Discomfort, By Yuk-Lin Renita Wong Summary

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Although this article provides a critical feminist reconceptualization of electroshock, unfortunately little feminist activism has been done, there is a need to further research from a feminist and social justice lens (Burstow, 2006). In “Knowing Through Discomfort: A Mindfulness-based Critical Social Work Pedagogy”, Yuk-Lin Renita Wong developed a mindfulness-based pedagogy for critical social work education. With emphasis on being mindful, of our own social locations, she suggests important learnings from feelings of discomfort and embraces “other ways of knowing” outside of the dominant discourse (Wong, 2004). Wong discusses discursive rationality and the ways dominant forms of knowledge which categorize our experiences into concepts or ideas and moral categories. Judging what is right or wrong or good and bad are ways of exerting social control (Wong, 2004). Like most of the authors mentioned in this essay, Wong also criticizes the use of AOP frameworks and their simplicity, as it implies a sense of innocence but avoids examining the bigger picture of why domination and oppression occurs (Wong, 2004).…show more content…
Some questions we need to reflect on include, are social workers really practicing AOP, or are they hiding behind their innocence and accepting dominant discourses. Are they applying theory in their practice or being comfortable in their ignorance? Imperialist policies reflecting racist and sexist ideologies have always been practiced, Social Workers need to take a non judgemental, critical stance and challenge the dominant discourse while acknowledging systemic power imbalances challenging imperialist policies. Along with the practice of mindfulness and being critically reflexive in a web of systemic power relations. They need to question our knowledge base and how it is we know what we know and think how we

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