Patricia Hill Collins

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Patricia Hill Collins widely recognised as a social theorist was born on May 1,1948 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and is at present a renowned Professor of Sociology at the University of Maryland. She is the only daughter to Eunice Randolph Hill and Albert Hill. She was the former head of the Department of African American Studies at the University of Cincinnati, and the past President of the American Sociological Association Council. Patricia Hill Collins was the 100th president of the ASA. Her election marks an important change in the lives of blacks as it helped do away some of the barriers that existed for people of colour, especially woman. An important figure in the African American Studies, Patricia Hill Collins “questions the boxes…show more content…
Patricia Hill Collins identifies an intersectional analysis over a hierarchical one as the black women have been subjected to oppression in various realms. The unique histories of black women at the various intersections of institutions of power have created the need for “self-definition” and development of their unique world views in interest of social justice and the demand for equality and better life conditions. The various systems of oppression as presented in the book being specific to black women and their experience also provide an insight into the same processes and institutions and the dynamics of power in relation to other social groups and individuals. Her second publication, an important collaboration with Margret Anderson was Race, Class and Gender : An Anthology came in 1992. This book is a compilation of essays on the intersectionality of Race, Class and Gender. Her third publication Fighting words : Black women and the Search for Justice came in 1998. Fighting words gave insight to the injustice against black women within the black community itself. The racial divide did relegate black women to a lower status in society but a gender divide within the black community itself further dismissed their…show more content…
In 1996, the University of Cincinnati designated Collins “The Charles Phelps Taft Professor of Sociology” making her first African American woman and the only second woman to have held this title. Throughout, Patricia Hill Collins has been a major voice for the black women and raised concern about the well being and upliftment of the same. In all her works she has reinforced that the institutions of Race, Class and Gender should not be looked at separately but rather an intersection of these should be analysed, by looking at them separately it leads to missing a large part of the problem. She has also presented a new comprehension of the lives of Black Community, the Black Women in particular. In her last few works she also talks about how segregation and exclusiveness based on racism breathes even in 21st century. For Patricia Hill Collins, oppression towards the black community as a whole cannot be stopped unless the oppression from within has been put to an end. Patricia Hill Collins remains an influential figure in the discourse of Black

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