Social Issues In The Family

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The family structure has changed drastically over the past 30 years. The 20th century has witnessed the remarkable changes and dynamics in the Europe, Asia, and America: smaller households, decrease in marriage, increase in unmarried cohabitation and single parents, and, last but not least, the decrease of fertility. Subsequently, there are social, economic, and cultural factors that have shaped these different types of family. There are multiple problems affecting family, such as divorce, poverty, violence, drugs, etc. Hidden from this list of troubles is the compelling evidence that many families have their inner strength that allow them to do a better job at raising their children and support one another. This issue is overlooked in most…show more content…
Today, people have the freedom to choose how to form their family without being judged. For example, gays and lesbians were discriminated before the legalization of same-sex marriage and few people would consider them as a family. After the legalization, more people accepted them as family, and although many disagreed, most were in favor of this. The same sex marriage helped decrease children in the orphanage, because they can’t afford to have offspring, they would form a family with adopted children and it has impacted positively in today’s…show more content…
Children are molded into the family culture into which they were born and it is reflected upon society. The way of thinking, assumptions of right and wrongs, beliefs, and tradition of the family are the ways learned at home and will carry into adulthood the behaviors acquired from childhood. With all the types of family structure changes, children with different parents might act differently to others. A children whose parents are gays would think it is normal to marry someone of the same sex while children with parents of opposite sex have different approach toward what’s right or
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