High School Story Short Story

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High School Story My eyes opened wide as the alarm shrilled loudly in my ears. A soothing voice calmly walked towards me and greeted me a “Good morning!” In a sleepy tone, I reverted “Good morning mom…” , simultaneously stretching my hands towards the ceiling when she interrupted my activity saying “Dear, you are already late for your shower and you do remember that it is your first day of high school, don’t you?” I quickly rushed from my bed towards the washroom shouting “Oh my God, Mommy I don’t wish to be late on my first day!” I raced down the staircase after getting dressed up. “Have some breakfast, honey” mom said. In return I spoke “Mom there is no time for all this, I think I should leave. Don’t worry everything is going to be fine” I shouted aloud hoping she heard at least something of what I said. I sat in the car where I checked my wrist watch and guess what! I had half an hour more left for school and that is when I realized skipping my breakfast was a bad idea, “Well… it’s okay” I murmured to myself. Soon, the chauffer dropped me at the front gate of the school. I was in complete awe of astonishment by viewing the scenario in front of me. The hallways of the…show more content…
My name is Victoria Louis and my fields of interest are…”and that is when I saw a few people giggling and passing comments, nevertheless, a boy cut me saying “Do you really think we care?” as soon as he finished the creepy girl next to him who was a complete bully continued “Oh god! You are such a geek gosh… not so fascinating”. As I looked towards the other side of the class I saw two of them giving me a weak smile and that is when I thought of answering back saying “Well…if you are not so interested, I have no time to waste” and I requested the teacher to continue the class. Soon the bell for lunch rang and I was so not willing for this. “God can this day end any better?” I
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