Single Parent Case Study

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Introduction DJ or Donna Jo Tanner, from the show ‘Full House’, grew up in San, Francisco, California. She was the eldest sister of Stephanie and Michelle Tanner and they were all raised in a house with multiple father figures due to their mother’s death. At a very young age DJ and her sisters lost their mother in a car accident caused by a drunk driver and her father, Danny Tanner is left with three young daughters to raise. DJ is shown handling many tough situations with general simplicity. Although she gets at times over her father interfering into her relationships or otherwise embarrassing her, she is always quick to apologize when she has acted rudely.DJ usually has a rebellious attitude towards her father, Danny and when she finds out…show more content…
They were exploring the negative effect this has on the family, the single parent and the children. The measures being included in this study was that becoming a single parent can involve considerable role strain. When a father assumes primary custody, his roles expand as he takes on full responsibility for child care and household maintenance. Now that there is only one sole provider for the household all the responsibilities lie on one parent. This study has researched that fathers generally seem to cope more effectively with the transition to single parenthood. There is evidence that single fathers become less emotional and more pragmatic than single mothers in the attention they give to their children. Single fathers provide a healthy and supportive atmosphere for childrearing, and they have an easier time than single mothers with discipline. Results of a path analysis revealed that the higher economic strain of custodial mothers contributed to impaired role-coping strategies and loss of parental control, which ultimately interfered with parenting. This article also talks about issues of distress, coping, and control imply that single parenting influences parenting quality through the ‘‘stress process’’ (Pearlin, Lieberman, Menaghan, & Mullan, 1981). In addition, researchers have demonstrated that stressed parents use fewer effective parenting practices and more ineffective practices than non-stressed parents. These findings explain why low income has a pervasive negative effect on family functioning. Implications for family practice and policy are discussed. Relating these results back to my thesis statement I would say that research has stated that being a single parent is hard but easy for fathers more than mothers. The results showed a proposed model that was

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