Homelessness Perspective

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Homelessness Homelessness is not a problem that has festered from lack of compassion for others. It is an individual challenge, often cultivated from change. Although government and society do play a crucial role in combating homelessness, they cannot take the full responsibility. In addition, the duration of one’s struggle with homelessness depends upon personal willingness and motivation to succeed. In order to develop an understanding on the beginnings of homelessness and its parts, one must first grasp how perspective and situation vitally influence homelessness Perspective plays a major role in dealing with and understanding homelessness. One’s perspective can negatively affect him/her by indirectly causing him/her to become homeless.…show more content…
This opportunity presents a major predicament. In order to receive this job, Gardner must first complete a six-month unpaid internship with the company. Gardner, eventually decides to accept the internship knowingly making him and his son homeless. After the six months, Garnder is granted the job and him and his son are never homeless again. Gardner's struggle illustrates the idea that homelessness does not have to be a final destination. The idea of taking initiative for yourself, is also presented in Liz Murray’s essay Homeless to Harvard when she states, “I became a straight-A student, completing a four-year high school programme in just two years.” (Murray) Realizing that her previous truancy had caused her to fall behind in school, Murray took accountability for her actions and persevered to finish high school with an acceptance into Harvard. Both Gardner and Murray took advantage of the opportunities placed before them, taking the step out of…show more content…
Overall, government and society cannot bear the full responsibility for the issue of homelessness. Welfare systems such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Medicaid have been set in place to help homeless and impoverished persons, including those that have medical disabilities. Granted, there are flaws in the system shown in The Pursuit of Happyness when Gardner was unable to enter in the homeless shelter because it was for women and children only. However, despite this shortcoming of the system, it is up to individuals to use this assistance as a means to an end, not a crutch used for too long. Often times, individuals rely too heavily upon this added help and take advantage of it in a way that prolongs the person’s homeless situation. Displayed in Liz Murray’s article, Homelessness to Harvard, is her parent’s dependency upon the welfare her mother received as a result of her degenerative eye disease. “Within five days, the money would be gone and for the rest of the month we lived on egg and mayonnaise sandwiches. Lisa and I hated them, but they got us through the hours when our stomachs burned with hunger. “(Murray) Liz’s parents abused the welfare they received because of their drug addiction. Their family could have been taken care of with the help they were receiving. The government competently tended to their needs, unfortunately they chose to
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