Should Books Be Banned Essay

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J.K. Rowling’s book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was challenged in South Carolina schools in 1999 for having “a serious tone of death, hate, lack of respect, and sheer evil.” Countless of people are debating whether or not to ban books. For example, the First Amendment is important to not ban books because it is a form of speech freedom. Furthermore, many kids can learn important lessons, morals, and important things from the past from the books that have been banned and challenged that other non-banned books don’t have. Finally, parents can teach kids about themselves and about society with the type of language and style banned books have. Some people believe books should not be banned in schools and libraries because they are a freedom of speech, have important morals and lessons, and they help kids learn about themselves. Banning books violate the First Amendment: freedom of speech. “The right to free expression includes the freedom to read whatever we choose. Yet state governments and local school districts have attempted to ban the books...” (“[INFOGRAPHIC] BANNED BOOKS WEEK”). In other words, it shows how schools are judging what kids should and shouldn’t read. Furthermore, it examples hypocrisy by having the government take the artwork of authors off the shelves. “A…show more content…
The First Amendment is important to not ban books because it is a form of speech freedom. Many kids can learn important lessons, morals, and important things from the past from the books that have been banned and challenged that other non-banned books don’t have. Parents can teach kids about themselves and about society with the type of language and style banned books have.Schools and libraries should stop getting offended by things that are around the world, it’s not doing

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